
Hello, I'm Luke!

I am from Malaysia.


I'm a web developer student of Treehouse Front End Web Development Track and also a student of Andrei Neagoie, Udemy of the The Complete Junior to Senior Web Developer Roadmap (2018).

I actually started my coding journey on March 20, 2018 with Andrei. Yes, he is a really good instructor and I understand a lot of the web development components from his course but it was lacking some elements like pop quizes, practice questions to see if we did it right and also like activity tracker or point based system sort of like to mentally boost ourselves to keep us motivated to meet our daily goals.

Of course he did create like a group on discord, which was great but it's not moderated that well. It's like you enter the night market streets and hoping for someone to answer your question. That was when I discover Treehouse.

I finished the track on Andrei for the front end side, I did managed to learn the basic and that was why I was able to catch so quick on Treehouse. Then I felt something else was missing which were the projects to practice my skills. I saw the Techdegree but was really expensive. I know it is really good based on the reviews but in Malaysia converting that amount and for a student, I can't afford it but I was still really keen on learning how to code. I found quite a few students who had done the Front End Web Development projects on GitHub. I know it is not the best where I couldn't ask for help from the Techdegree slack channel but hey, we do what we gotta do to learn right. No excuses!


I want to master the process of building a website on the front-end side with this pseudo-Tecdegree course. Then finish up Andrei's course on Udemy for the backend side. Andrei's course for the Node.js which I understand that could be use as a backend server. The languages I intend to master are:

I’d like to work with a team on helping clients create an impressive online presence.